Supporting Your Tech
Product Checker
This is a great place to start if you are looking for that piece of equipment you’ve had your eye on.
We keep our product selection to the essential items only, saving you confussion.
Just select the item you like and where
it needs to go, and we will assist you.
All products can be QR-Code selected
QR Code
The future of product growth.
QR: QR-Codes
VQR: Virtual QR-Codes
Site Installation
Try the QR Code Below
The easiest & quickest way to find all the information about your system.
Scan the QR Code on the main recorder and all the information for the site is sent to your registered mobile phone number.
A quick scan of the QR Code on the product will list the items you have on site.
Purchasing more equipment is as simple as scanning the QR Code and filling in the item you would like to purchase.
Scan the QR Code on site, & then scan the QR Code of the new item you wish to purchase, and all the setting up for the new purchase is programmed by us.
The product can be sent to your usual address or straight to site, the choice is yours.
Remote View
Software Support
Two areas.
1: Software built In.
2: Software Loaded In
1: Software Built In:
Software installed by the manufacturer.
This is software that is installed directly inside the product as settings.
When your PBT product arrives there are certain settings inside the item that can be altered by you the owner.
2: Software Loaded In:
This is software that is loaded onto another device such as viewing software for a PC or MAC.