Artificial Intelligence Engines
Artificial Intelligence Engine
A-I systems built directly in.
All recorders can be set for advanced detection.
Please click on the Images for more information.
These options can be selected.
Prebuilt systems are fully configured with the maximum
A-I integration settings built right in.
Facial Recognition
This technology has been comming along in leaps
and bounds over the last few years.
Cool security in the correct environment.
Smart Motion Detection
Human trigger points.
These advanced detection settings ensure longer storage times.
Human Tracking
Follow-Me security triggers.
The ability to keep people in the camera eye.
Directional changes with no operator.
Assisited people tracking within your site.
ANPR Built In.
Vehicle trigger points
Enabling safer & smarter vehicle control.
Safer entry and exit control.
Vehicles can be secured to a driver for smater
theft prevention.